Fatma Ozcan

Fatma Ozcan

Principal Software Engineer

Fatma Ozcan is a Principal Engineer at Systems Research@Google. Before she came to Google, she was a Distinguished Research Staff Member and a senior manager at IBM Almaden Research Center. Her current research focuses on platforms and infra-structure for large-scale data analysis, query processing and optimization of semi-structured data, and democratizing analytics via NLQ and conversational interfaces to data.
Dr. Ozcan got her PhD degree in computer science from University of Maryland, College Park, and her BSc degree in computer engineering from METU, Ankara. She has over 21 years of experience in industrial research, and has delivered core technologies into IBM products. She has been a contributor to various SQL standards, including SQL/XML, SQL/JSON and SQL/PTF.
Dr. Ozcan is the co-author of the book "Heterogeneous Agent Systems" and is also co-author of several conference papers and patents. She received the VLDB Women in Database Research Award in 2022. She is a Fellow of the ACM and the vice chair of ACM SIGMOD. She has been serving on the board of directors of CRA (Computing Research Association) since 2020, and is a steering committee member of the CRA-Industry.